Effortless healthcare appointment making

Empowering patients to take control of their appointments.

Our AI receptionist Asa enables patients to book, change and pay for appointments via instant message (WhatsApp/iMessage/SMS), predicts no-shows, and provides personalised language to encourage attendance at preventative healthcare appointments. Patient's can interact with Asa like they would with a human receptionist. The medical reception has control over the information Asa provides to patients, avoiding the risk of unsafe or inappropriate answers.

Solving the Did Not Attend (DNA) problem.


Of in-person medical appointments are missed
in the US


Of patients say the ability
to book, change, or cancel appointments online is important


Of appointments are still scheduled by phone


Of calls are missed by the medical office

Efficient healthcare for all

Meet Asa,
the automated
booking solution

Asa by SPRYT is a virtual receptionist designed to improve appointment attendance and reduce operational inefficiencies in the oncology screening and diagnostic care pathway.

Efficient healthcare for all

booking made

The last thing the world needs is yet another app. Asa enables patients to book or reschedule their medical appointments using existing platforms like WhatsApp, SMS or voice assistants like Alexa.

Efficient healthcare for all

A personal touch
to patient care

Asa is a free-flow conversational agent which incorporates behavioural insights and employs an empirical approach to linguistics to find the best use of language to nudge patients to attend appointments.

Efficient healthcare for all

Predicting & changing the patient outcome

Asa not only helps to schedule appointments but also uses AI to predict which patients are likely to not attend their booking.

This enables clinics to reach out to under served patients that require further assistance to attend appointments.

What patients say about Asa…

Great idea. Appears to be very simple to use.

- Sarah B

To book an appointment I have to call my GP surgery at exactly 8am and wait on hold for 10-20min. This sounds like a hassle free solution.

- Cara L

I’ve often simply forgotten I had an appointment. The reminder system over WhatsApp is a great feature.

- Simon R

What practitioners say about Asa…

This could be a game changer for our clinic.

- Dr O’Neill

We really need a system like this to automate the booking process and enable us to focus our attention on patients that need our help to attend appointments.

- Sophia F

No-shows cause a considerable strain on an already overstretched healthcare system. This could help solve that.

- Dr Patel

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